
Palm Desert Probate Attorney Discusses New Laws for 2018

California has a number of new laws going into effect in 2018. Below are a few of interest and note.

Concealed Carry
No school employee can carry a concealed weapon onto campus.

Juvenile Offenders
The punishment of life without parole will no longer be allowed for California’s youngest criminals. Those already incarcerated would become eligible for release after serving 25 years.

Alcohol Limit for Uber Drivers
The alcohol limit for drivers of ride sharing companies such as Lyft and Uber is now .04%, which is the same limit for commercial drivers.

There is a new fee for gas and diesel fueled cars. The fee ranges from $25 to $175 depending on the value of the vehicle.

Real Property Records Fee
There is a new fee of $75 imposed on real property documents recorded in the County Recorder’s Office.

Minimum Wage
The minimum wage increased to $10.50 per hour for employees working at companies with fewer than 26 employees. The minimum wage is $11 for all other employees.

Parental Leave
New parents working in small businesses of at least 20 employees can take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave to care for a child and won’t lose their job or their health insurance while they’re away.

Marijuana is legal for recreational purposes. Some cities now allow retail transactions for anyone over 18. However, you cannot smoke or consume the drug while driving or riding in a vehicle.

State Dinosaur
The Golden State now has it’s own official state dinosaur, the Augustynolophus morrisi, an herbivore whose fossils have only been found in California.

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